ACOL101 Understanding The Customer 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MKT120-1 |
understanding the customer 1 provides a theoretical foundation for all three degrees. all advertising is critically dependent on a thorough understanding of the target market, their needs, their values and their propensity to process any form of marketing communication.
fundamentally the course gives an insight into practical aspects of the science of psychology; the psychology of the consumer and how they behave throughout a purchase transaction. without the understanding of how people notice advertising, how they interpret and process the messages therein, and whether they subsequently remember the information, advertising and its associated costs may well be ineffective.
marketing practitioners across the globe practice the art of segmentation. people, families, social and cultural groups differ in what products and services they find attractive, their propensity to pay and their ultimate satisfaction with their purchases. these differences are usually deep set and beyond articulation, emanating from nurture in early childhood from the primary socialising agent of the family. we live in a global market place, yet advertising needs to be customised to suit local conditions because people differ. how they differ belongs to the subject disciplines of psychology and sociology, the fundamental building blocks of this course.
focus will be on the following areas:
" segmentation and targeting
" the psychology of the individual customer: motivation, perception, self-concept and values
" the socialisation process of the individual: nature v nurture debate and the development of personality, group membership and conformity, culture.
" high and low involvement purchasing and the impact on marketing communication materials
" business buyer behaviour: group decision making regarding purchasing decisions.
ACOL102 Introduction To Advertising
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MKT120-1 |
this course is intended to provide a learning experience with cross-disciplinary teams from students involved across all the disciplines in the advertising programs.
advertising has become synonymous with the ways with which firms attract customers and persuade them to purchase goods and services. but advertising is also a business philosophy that places the customer at the heart of all its activities (customer centric) and regards satisfying customer needs and wants as the key way to build sustainable competitive advantage.
introduction to advertising will examine how advertising has evolved as business tool and its theoretical base. this will be set alongside the different ways it is used by different types of organisation, and in the context of business organisations and in terms of marketing as strategic business tool.
the course will cover:
" history and growth of advertising
" importance of advertising to different types of organisation
" the relationship of advertising to marketing and to business
" models of advertising and their relationship to models of marketing and business practice
ACOL103 Advertising Skills Introduction
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MKT120-1 |
advertising skills introductions is a "hands-on" course, comprising a series of practical based topics, with supporting theory, which are applicable to students taking any of the advertising program majors. these topics will include: graphical computing, drawing and diagram making, an introduction to typography and page layout, photography (creative image making on location and in the studio using digital cameras), introductory use of video, introductory copy and caption writing.
students work in groups of manageable numbers, according to their prior experience and capacity of the facilities etc and are given an introduction to working principles underlying each subject, good working practice, health and safety issues, which take students of all abilities to a basic level of competence. this level of understanding is considered necessary both for students who will expand their range of personal skills later during the course, and those who will later be given the task of commissioning or preparing briefs for creative departments.
in tandem with each workshop, there will be a creative session designed to enable students to apply their practical learning immediately, in a creative context, using practical, aesthetic and analytical judgments.
each student will complete the programme by producing a designed "learning log", incorporating all of the skills acquired throughout the course.
ACOL201 Conceptual Communication
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: SOC140-1 |
this course provides the basis for establishing key methods of working which are fundamental to an ideas-based, creative, discipline. it recognises that students will have had a variety of academic backgrounds and allows for a diversity of starting points. it is the intention of the course to improve the way students set about problem definition, exploration and solving.
it will be strongly "activity based", presenting a range of issues, problems and exploratory activities in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. these exercises will be accompanied by a study of techniques that will help students open up and explore ideas; learn a variety of diagrammatic, illustrative, open ended presentation processes; and explore concepts with the excitement that is needed in any effective advertising role.
crucially, students will be encouraged to take risks and learn to see "mistakes" as an essential part of experimentation and learning.
each student will complete the programme by producing a designed "learning log", incorporating all of the skills acquired throughout the course. this will provide a reference source for future study. |
ACOL202 Research And Information Gathering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MKT120-1 |
allows for a diverse range of previous learning experiences and is designed to provide a basic introduction to the variety of research and investigative methods used in advertising.
this course is designed to equip students with basic search and research skill sets, which will enable them to consistently acquire textual and visual material, then be able to analyse and apply researched evidence in the most effective way. this will involve practising techniques of: information tracking and recording, visual analysis, academic reference methods and effective applications of found materials. the module also enables students to appraise a variety of research types and supports them in developing online and offline research techniques
the mode of delivery transfers from initial taught delivery to student's own trial-and-error development of techniques through a textual and visual research and analysis project. this allows them to apply their own existing skills with newly learnt methods. it will also help them develop their own critical analysis skills for future academic and subject-based course work.
this course sets the context for core research and analysis and learning skills that students will need to support creative or strategic decision-making required later in the program.
each student will complete the programme by producing a designed "learning log", incorporating all of the skills acquired throughout the course. this will provide a reference source for future study. |
ACOL203 Advertising Management 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL101-1, ACOL102-1 |
this course is intended to provide a learning experience with cross-disciplinary teams from students involved across all the disciplines in the advertising programs. it will provide an exciting, challenging education experience that is closely linked to industry and which gives students an exceptional opportunity to plan their future career based on first hand industry contact.
in the modern economy the concept of the brand and how to communicate its values effectively are vital to an organisation. this course will allow students to understand the value of a brand, the process by which its value can be developed, how the process of communicating its value is carried, from conceptual stage to the appearance and measurement of the advertising and other commercial communications.
advertising management 1 will set out why and how brands are valuable financial assets to an organisation and what circumstances may decide how and in what fashion these values can be developed. it will explore what this means for the development of different forms of advertising and marketing communications.
the focus in this course will be on managing the advertising communications process:
" agency client service and planning functions and the relationship to brands and client business objectives
" how creative concepts are produced and the relationship to the consumer via such techniques as semiotics
" the role of the brand report as a link between client business objectives and communications planning
" the role of agency management in the communication process in a multi agency team and multimedia world. |
ACOL204 Digital Technologies For Marketing 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL103-1 |
this course is intended to provide a learning experience with cross-disciplinary teams from students involved across all the disciplines in the advertising programs.
modern advertising communications is increasingly driven by the development of digital technology. this course will allow students to understand what are the key drivers behind the development of technology, so that they are able to effective deploy in campaigns and understand its use by media owners and clients both now and in the future
digital technology for marketing 1 will set out to give students a comprehensive understanding of key dynamics in digital technology. it will relate this to the range of technological platforms now used in the advertising process by both clients and consumers.
key areas include:
the models and theories behind technological growth - moore's law, mit convergence model,-and the implications of these
the historic development of technology in advertising, with reference to both the client and the consumer
the implications of technological development in relation to advertising communications practice and measurement. |
ACOL205 Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL101-1, ACOL102-1 |
this course is intended to provide a learning experience with cross-disciplinary teams from students involved across all the disciplines in the advertising programs.
modern marketing communications requires executives to have a broad knowledge of how marketing communications need to manifest themselves in a coherent manner, in order to ensure effective brand communications and sales.
to do this they require knowledge of the nature of different types of marketing, and a grasp of the theoretical basis upon which they are based.
integrated marketing will examine a wide range of types of marketing communications. these will include: advertising, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship and sales promotion, digital and customer relationship marketing. it will investigate their inherent values and uses, and the theoretical models that underpin them.
the course will also link these examples to broader marketing and business models to enable a depth of understanding of how and when they can be used effectively. in addition, the course will show how these services are delivered, by an examination of the different types of agency that produce the services. there will be an exploration of how these agencies have developed relationships with one another over time.
areas covered will include:
" structure of marketing communications industry and roles of agencies within it
" what are the different types of marketing communications
" what roles do they perform in the marketing mix
" how their contribution is evaluated
" models of communication that underpin this activity. |
ACOL206 Industry Practice 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL101-1, ACOL102-1, ACOL103-1 |
is designed to facilitate student's understanding of current communications industry working practices. it involves interaction with a series of industry partner practices to provide a variety of exposures to different functions and jobs in advertising and other advertising-related trades. these may include tours of (and presentations by) commercial communications; publishing; media buying; direct advertising; consumer and brand planning as well as many new advertising professions that have emerged as a consequence of data and digital commerce.
this course will be delivered in a timetable that accommodates advertising agency availability, usually revolving around whole day activities at the host businesses, and also an intensive week, or sequence of days within the college. this will require a concentrated and extended study period for students taking the course in the semester it is offered.
industry practice 1 draws on the support of several commercial host agencies. each agency provides support by offering tours, talks, lectures and/or short projects ('workshops') for students to complete during the course, whereby a project brief is set for students by agency staff, who later offer formative feedback on the student work produced.
this approach gives students opportunities to demonstrate their own advertising skills by responding to short industry-set briefs, identify personal mentors in industry and present their own course project materials for advice.
key characteristics of this course are:
" students get to identify a variety of trades in different types of agency that constitute current advertising practice. they also get to see how different functions within the advertising process interrelate;
" students get to identify and target their own preferred type of employment after graduation. within this module they have opportunities to connect their own ambition and their skills developed at university;
" the course affords students new contacts for future employment through studio contact. students have opportunities to demonstrate their own advertising skills by responding to short industry-set briefs, identify personal mentors in industry and present their own course project materials for advice.
each student will complete the programme by producing a designed "learning log", incorporating all of the skills acquired throughout the course. this will provide a reference source for future study. |
ACOL214 Digital Technologies For Marketing 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL204-1 |
this course is intended to provide a learning experience with cross-disciplinary teams from students involved across all the disciplines in the advertising programs.
modern advertising communications is increasingly driven by the development of digital technology. this course will allow students to understand what are the key drivers behind the development of technology, so that they are able to effective deploy in campaigns and understand its use by media owners and clients both now and in the future
digital technology for marketing 1 will set out to give students a comprehensive understanding of key dynamics in digital technology. it will relate this to the range of technological platforms now used in the advertising process by both clients and consumers.
key areas include:
the models and theories behind technological growth - moore's law, mit convergence model,-and the implications of these
the historic development of technology in advertising, with reference to both the client and the consumer
the implications of technological development in relation to advertising communications practice and measurement. |
ACOL303 Advertising Management 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL203-1 |
this course is intended to provide a learning experience with cross-disciplinary teams from students involved across all the disciplines in the advertising programs. it will provide an exciting, challenging education experience that is closely linked to industry and which gives students an exceptional opportunity to plan their future career based on first hand industry contact.
students will learn how clients and agencies work together on this development, taking clients' business objectives and translating these into effective briefs can be used to devise brand positioning. from this they will be able to see how these creative concepts and themes are cultivated and built into actual finished ads. they will also understand the management processes involved in meeting critical deadlines and the need for effective team working. these will be explored in practical sessions involving teams from all of the advertising majors.
advertising management 2 will explore in detail the variety of roles that agencies perform in the marketing mix - through case study, web search and analysis, profiling of exemplar agencies. the course will then look at how the agency contribution is evaluated by the client. there will be an extensive review of the models of communication that underpin this activity - within and between different agency functions - and between the agency and its clients. in the light of the above, the course will examine the nature of the client brief and approaches that agencies can take in order to interpret then successfully.
the focus in this course will be on developing personal and group skills in the advertising communications process. |
ACOL304 Research And Evaluation Project 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL202-1 |
builds on skills and experience gained in the earlier "research and information gathering" course, and will encourage students to make use of the communication techniques studied in "conceptual communication". students will be introduced to a range of concepts that inform media as experienced in everyday life. they will then be asked to deploy a variety of image based references to a chosen topic in media communication in order to explore the power of the visual image across advertising. this will be followed up by a written review of the chosen topic, demonstrating how information sources have been chosen, used and evaluated.
the project work will be accompanied by a series of lectures and presentations illustrating the work of critics, practitioners and theorists of media and culture. a variety of media forms will be considered, including print, broadcast, interactive, and web based. concepts engaged include lifestyle issues, as reproduced in the popular media, such as celebrity, ethics, citizenship, globalisation, children's culture, popular music, sport, fashion.
this course sets the ground for applying visual and verbal research, analysis and learning skills that students will need to operate in a culturally informed way within the advertising industry . |
ACOL314 Research And Evaluation Project 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL304-1 |
research and evaluation project 2 requires students to take a significant step into independent learning, based on the experience that they have gained in the program so far. students will develop a substantial, independently researched piece of critical written work drawing on a range of academic skills from major and college courses already pursued.
students will identify and plan the delivery of research project with the advice and guidance of an allocated tutor. at regular meetings the student and tutor will discuss progress and ways to develop the project. students take primary responsibility for the areas of research, the timetabling of their work, structure of writing up, frequency of meetings, and pace of exercise, with advice from the tutor.
there will be several keynote lectures highlighting appropriate approaches to research generally. core teaching on this course is through regular meetings where student and tutor discuss progress and ways to develop the student research project. tutors offer advice on such aspects as research areas and research methodologies, structure and presentation. students will be reminded about good scholarly practice, bibliographical conventions as well as accessing learning resources. draft chapters of the research will be submitted, and will be returned accompanied by a combination of written and verbal feedback.
learning is student-centred, with students taking responsibility for all aspects of the project. this method gives students an introduction to an autonomous method of working, which will be required for the final major project, and will be an important aspect of any future career in advertising. |
ACOL406 Industry Practice 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL206-1 |
industry practice 2 is designed to extend student's understanding of current communications industry working practices. it involves interaction with a series of industry partner practices to provide a variety of exposures to different functions and jobs in advertising and other advertising-related trades. these may include tours of (and presentations by) commercial communications; publishing; media buying; direct advertising; consumer and brand planning as well as many new advertising professions that have emerged as a consequence of data and digital commerce.
during this course, students will monitor areas of the industry that relate to their area of interest and possible career path. this course will help them will establish a strategy for joining their particular industry sector. the final outcome will be to establish a clear area of investigation or project development, in discussion with industry contacts, which will provide the starting point for the student's final major project.
industry practice 2 draws on the support of agencies and businesses who participated in "industry practice 1", who have worked with the college during other course projects, and who are part of the wider network of professional contacts known to tutors and students themselves.
this course works through a process of career assessment, training for interviews, portfolio and research project review, together with career planning. it is intended to prepare students for the challenge of gaining interest and support for their major projects and sponsorship and potential employment for their co-op training period.
each student will complete the programme by producing a designed "learning log", incorporating all of the skills acquired throughout the course. this will provide a reference source for future study
ACOM301 Media Production 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL103-1 |
this is the first of two courses introducing advertising design with specific focus on web and portable interactive applications, they also introduce the use of moving image capture through digital video and post-production. both courses are practice based with supporting theory.
media production 1 starts with a design only project to establish research methods, creative development and ideas generation. the process of image capture, editing and digitally originated content are demonstrated, to allow the creation of a prototype design. a fully working web site follows after detailed discussion and demonstration of web editing.
a series of short practical projects will provide a contextual demonstration of software techniques, discussion of relevant contemporary media, and exploration of key characteristics of web based and portable interactive applications. workshop sessions will be provided on key enabling techniques in web construction, html generation, screen layouts, image capture, file management, image resolution and other techniques as required.
emphasis is placed on creativity; however, students will be expected to develop functioning web pages. contemporary design issues will be raised and a critical awareness developed though group discussion. design issues such as the increasing requirement for accessibility and the importance of usability will be introduced. the relationship between the client, the designer and the programmer will be explored. |
ACOM311 Media Production 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOM301-1 |
this is the second of two courses introducing advertising design with specific focus on web and interactive applications; they also introduce the use of moving image capture through digital video and post-production. both courses are practice based with supporting theory.
media production 2 explores animated content for the web and interactive projects. flash and other techniques will inform the creative process. principles of interaction, scripting, camera, direction, editing and post-production will be introduced. image capture and the creative use of imagery will be explored in the context of web delivery. appropriate use of colour, file size and compression will be reviewed.
a series of short practical projects will provide a contextual demonstration of video, scripting, camera and editing processes, discussion of relevant contemporary media, and exploration of key characteristics of web based and portable interactive applications. workshop sessions will be provided on key enabling techniques integrating video images into web, screen layouts, image capture, file management, image resolution and other techniques as required.
students will be expected to develop a functioning web site using experience gained in this and preceding courses. contemporary design issues will be raised and a critical awareness developed though group discussion. the relationship between the client, the designer and the programmer will again be explored. |
ACOM403 Arabic Writing And Editing Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOM201-1 |
arabic writing and editing skills is intended to ensure that students can effectively use arabic written communication styles as an integral part of their repertoire of advertising communication skills. the aim is to get students working with current advertising concepts directly in arabic, and avoiding any tendency to treat tasks set as simply a "translation" exercise. case study and project material will all be in arabic. however analytical reviews, course learning logs and associated explanatory material will be written in english.
students will first study and analyse the techniques needed to give arabic publications their individual house-styles. they will compare and contrast the design of arabic language magazine production, newsletters, brochures and newspapers. they will be introduced to the skills and techniques needed to produce arabic language designs to a professional standard through dummy flat plans and onscreen software. students will aim to develop specialist techniques specific to their own type of publication - magazine production; newsletter and brochure publication or newspaper design. this will provide opportunity for experimentation and will enable students to develop and test innovative designs specifically intended for use in an arabic language context.
students will aim to develop appropriate approaches specific to different publications - magazine production; newsletter; brochure publication and web page design. this will provide opportunity for experimentation and will enable students to develop and produce innovative designs. |
ACOM404 Media Context
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL303-1 |
the media context course is intended to provide a forward facing look at the developing shape of the advertising communications. it will provide a wide ranging review of possibilities - all with the potential of affecting the shape of a developing career in advertising.
there has been a growth of media opportunities in advertising, directly linked to the rapid changes in digital technology, the vertical development of existing media brands and changing attitudes about how and what media can be used. this is leading to the converging media landscape that mit's media lab predicted in the 1980s.
the context of media, and thus of marketing communications, is now radically different to the "classical" madison avenue model of even 10 years ago. the force of this change is influencing what media consumers use and how they use it. it is also affording a much wider variety and complexity of opportunities to carry out marketing communications, within and across media platforms. traditional "silo" media use approaches, such as standalone advertising or pr campaigns are having to be abandoned or re-thought, as more tailored and cost effective media is becoming available. the growth of digital, coupled with an increasingly sophisticated consumer, will make it increasingly important that future marketing communications campaigns are planned at the outset as multimedia.
the course will illustrate how the traditional boundaries between such p.r. and advertising, or digital and print, are now blurred or even disappearing. this course will focus on four cornerstones of contemporary media communications practice: content creation and management; engagement; reputation; evaluation/measurement . |
ACRD302 Creative Advertising 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACOL101-1, ACRD202-1 |
the three courses in creative advertising (1, 2 and 3) build on the skills and knowledge gained in earlier stages of the program. students will create a substantial body of work incorporating concept work, art direction and copywriting to a level that reflects both course and industry standards.
during creative advertising 2 students will locate an appropriate topic and construct briefs for products and/or services, in discussion with (and approved by their) tutors. this will enable them to develop skills in concept development and will enable them to develop their own strategic solutions based on original thinking. these briefs will be expected to be more complex and more securely based on industry perspectives then those initiated in creative advertising 1. it is expected that briefs set within international competitions may be used if the timing is appropriate. once again, students create their own 'campaign' in response to the briefs, and these should include concept work, art direction, and copywriting - skills demonstrated at an increasingly professional level.
again, during this course, students may produce their assignment in teams of two (following the lead of the commercial advertising industry, which often pairs art directors with copywriters in the creative work environment. classes require students to show their work-in-progress at seminars and receive constructive guidance on developing their creative campaign assignment. where teams jointly submit work they will be required to separately explain the copy and art-direction decision-making process in a final presentation of their assignment.
all work undertaken in creative advertising 2 is "project based", with students preparing creative work and seminars mentoring and critiquing student projects as they develop. in creative advertising 2 students are supported by tutors in setting their own creative brief, incorporating target objectives, allowing scope for creative development and demonstration of knowledge acquired during the skills workshops, graphic skills and media production courses. classes require students to present their work-in-progress to tutors and their peers at a formative review, where they will receive advice and guidance on their developmental work.
compared to creative advertising 1 students are required to be more self-directed in their assignment and less dependent on tutors, who will act as advisors rather than leaders throughout the course. |
ACRD401 Skills Workshops 3
Credit Hours: 2 |
Prerequisite: ACRD301-1 |
all students on the jeddah college of advertising programs will have taken the advertising skills introduction course. for those who have chosen to take the creative design major, it is essential that they gain extensive, hands on experience in the proficient practice of the whole range of creative skills drawn on by the industry.
skills workshops 3 is the third of a series of rotating skills workshops intended to support practical aspects of courses taken during year 4, and laying the groundwork for further skills students will need to gain once they enter the workplace. students will use the drawing studios and relevant technical facilities to undertake practical projects which are either directly set as learning tasks or which are already set as part of one or more of the creative design courses being undertaken at the same level.
the workshops take place for 4 hours a week (giving 2 credit hours), and will cover the following areas:
" moving image
" video editing
" screen based graphics
" extended typography and print
students will be expected to use the skills within other courses studied during the same academic year. |
ACRD402 Creative Advertising 3
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ACRD302-1 |
the three courses in creative advertising build on the skills and knowledge gained in earlier stages of the program. students will create a substantial body of work incorporating concept work, art direction and copywriting to a level that reflects both course and industry standards.
during creative advertising 3 students have extensive opportunities for self-directed work, and the project outcomes will be expected to form part of their portfolio that they will use to gain employment after graduation. in this course, students will work on larger industry-oriented briefs, developed in discussion with tutors. they will also be asked to establish their own "campaign teams" to deal with the challenges of industry led requirements.
at the beginning of creative advertising 3 students construct self-initiated brief(s), in conjunction with their tutors, for a defined product or service, or take on an agreed project brief set as an international competition brief or set by industry partners (subject to approval by module leaders). in constructing their own creative campaigns students will be required to develop strategic solutions based on original thinking, and to produce indicative examples of how their work would appear as fully operational advertising campaigns, through drawings, visuals, sketch books and through a formal presentation at the end of the course . in line with creative advertising 1&2, all work undertaken in creative advertising 3 is "project based", with students preparing creative work and seminars mentoring and critiquing student projects as they develop.
after experiencing team work opportunities during earlier programmes, students will be allowed to establish their own "campaign teams" to deal with the challenges of industry led requirements. advertising industries often employ creative teams of art directors and copywriters, so in preparation for future work this module allows students to develop course material in line with their graduate destinations. where teams jointly submit work they will be required to separately explain the copy and art-direction decision-making processes separately in a final presentation of their campaign.
creative advertising 3 encourages self-directed student learning, where students are responsible for their creative direction and campaign development. this encourages students to develop a personal approach to advertising and tailor their work towards their intended career destination. this course designed to accommodate briefs from industry, sponsored national/international design awards, competitions and bursaries. students can, in some instances, select from a range of briefs covering most of the main design and advertising disciplines.
this programme requires students to present their work-in-progress to tutors and peers at a formative review, where they will receive advice and guidance on their developmental work. creative advertising 3 expects a high level of creative originality and the demonstration of sound commercially-oriented skills. the course sets the scene for the concluding challenge of the major study, final project. |
ACRD430 Major Study, Final Project
Credit Hours: 6 |
Prerequisite: ACOL314-1, ACOL406-1, ACRD402-1 |
ACRD450 Co-Op Training
Credit Hours: 6 |
Prerequisite: ACOL406-1 |
EL. 500 Academic English Level 5
Credit Hours: 1 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
MATH099 Pre-Calculus
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
MKT 120 Marketing Principles
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: BUS101-1, ENG101-7 |
SOC 140 Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
survey of theories of interpersonal communication in social and professional relational contexts with attention to roles, social exchange, dimensions of communication both socially and professionally, development and deterioration of communications. |
STAT121 Introduction To Statistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ENG101-7, MATH099-1 |