Pioneering Research for a Better Future

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Reserch Centers

The university's five research centers, with 40+ active faculty and 80+ international collaborators.

Media, Culture & Communication

As an expression of the Communication Research Unit (CRU), the area of Advertising, Media, and Communication aims to develop a dialogue and a consequential scientific production among different disciplines and research areas such as communication sciences, social sciences, semiotics, media and cultural studies, critical studies in advertising, audience studies, digital marketing information and analysis, social media analytics and digital ethnography. In pursing this objective, the research area focuses on several topic such as interactive narrative, virtual environments, visual communication, cultural identity, food identity, city identity, gender studies, post-truth theory, to be in line with the international and innovative approaches to the study of Advertising, Media, and Communication.

Consumer Behaviour

This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational efectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful efect of the co-occurrence of group intra-conficts, investigating leader-member diferentiation’s (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin eect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior


This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational efectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful efect of the co-occurrence of group intra-conficts, investigating leader-member diferentiation’s (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin eect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Corporate Governance & Disclosure

This research group is focused on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. Currently, listed firms face problems that can be resolved by adopting corporate governance principles Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. Their effect on firm performance and earning management remains an important empirical and theoretical study area in the corporate study. Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility have got attention and developed as an important mechanism over the last decades. The fast growth of privatizations, the recent global financial crises, and financial institutions' development has reinforced corporate governance practices. Well-managed corporate governance mechanisms play an important role in improving corporate performance by adopting its principles and contributing to society. Good corporate governance is fundamental for a firm in different ways; it improves company image, increases shareholders’ confidence, and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities. It is put together on several consistent mechanisms; internal control systems and external environments contribute to the business corporations’ increase successfully to bring about good corporate governance that promotes corporate social responsibility. The basic rationale of corporate governance is to increase the performance of firms by structuring and sustaining initiatives that motivate corporate insiders to maximize the firm’s operational and market efficiency and long-term firm growth by limiting insiders’ power that can abuse corporate resources.


This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational efectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful efect of the co-occurrence of group intra-conficts, investigating leader-member diferentiation’s (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin eect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Research Plan 2021-2022 (At a glance)

1 Active UBT Researchers 5 International Researchers 6 Articles in Q1/Q2 Journals 1 Book

Active UBT Researchers

Dr Mansour H (Leader) Dr Mansour H (Leader) PhD Email: Tel: No: 00966-22326754

International Collaborating researchers

Dr. Trstenjak A

Prof. Zikovic S

Dr. Mansour FK

Dr. Ibrahim RM

Dr. Hamdy AM

Current Research Projects

· Effective Waste Management: A Foundation for a Circular Economy: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

· The impact of information and communication technologies on economic growth: The case of Egypt: Economic Journal of Emerging Markets

· Sewage sludge Management and circular economy: Energies

Published research

· Mansour H (2021???). The Impact of Work and Leisure Value on Happiness in Egypt: Int. J. Happiness and Development/ Indersciences/ Web of science. International Journal of Happiness and Development (IJHD) Inderscience Publishers - linking academia, business, and industry through research

· Mansour H (2021????). The Role of Effective Governance in Determining the Relationship Between Muslims’ Religiosity and Their Income: International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT) / SCOPUS/web of science

· Mansour H (2021????). The financial liberalization's effect on economic growth: the case of Egypt and Saudi Arabia

· Bader Alazzam, M., Mansour, H., Hammam, M. M., Alsheikh, S., Bakir, A., Alghamdi, S., & AlGhamdi, A. S. (2021). Machine learning of medical applications involving complicated proteins and genetic measurements. Computational intelligence and neuroscience.

· Alazzam, M. B., Mansour, H., Alassery, F., & Almulihi, A. (2021). Machine learning implementation of a diabetic patient monitoring system using interactive E-app. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.

Energy Economics And Finance

The research interests of this group revolve around the areas of Sustainable Finance, Energy Economics, Developmental Finance and Financial economics. The research group comprises of members who have published in highly reputed ESCI and Scopus Indexed Journals.

Islamic Finance And Sustainability

The group comprises of members with research interests in the field of Finance and Econometrics, Islamic Finance, International Finance and Financial Markets. The group has published in many well reputed ESCI and Scopus Indexed journals.

Sustainability & Behavioural Finance

The work of this group focuses on a novel angle of research that brings together the seemingly disparate fields of environment, social organization and finance. The group’s researchers borrowed from these fields and brought together the distant concepts of sustainability and behavioral finance and projected them as a broad title for their research endeavors. Business ethics and environmental economists have for a considerable time been calling on sustainability as a well-established concept in their research work on the impact of business on the natural and social environments. Standard finance and investment disciplines have also habitually called on the concept of behavioural finance to describe investors’ behaviors. However, and despite the plethora of research exploring standard finance, which dates to the late 1950s and early 1960s, much less work is being done on behavioural finance and sustainability, particularly, in the areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the recently more pressing processes of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects. Researchers in this group believe that bringing together sustainability and behavioural finance in an organic interplay will revolutionize the seemingly inanimate finance field and provide insights into additional valuable factors that are at play. Research in this group will be undertaken through a collaborative effort with a global team of researchers who are planning to produce a dozen research papers destined for publication in highly reputable journals and two books in 2021-2022.

Insurance & Human Rights

This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational effectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful effect of the co-occurrence of group intra-confects, investigating leader-member differentiation's (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin elect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Environmental Law

This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational effectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful effect of the co-occurrence of group intra-confects, investigating leader-member differentiation's (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin elect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Organizational Behaviour

This group’s research revolves around leadership of work teams and organizations, workplace diversity, workplace emotion, and misbehaviour. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational effectiveness, and improve leadership and management practice. Current research is investigating the harmful effects of the co-occurrence of group intra-conflicts, leader-member differentiation’s (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin effect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior, among other work-in-progress research.

Managing Creativity And Innovation & Hrm

Researchers in this group are focusing on management and leadership of creativity and innovation in organizations, well-being and employee development, talent management, and entrepreneurship.

Strategy & Organization

The research of this group focuses on developing a comprehensive understanding corporate organizational and business strategy through narrative, as well as instrumental analysis. Currently, the group is engaged in developing strategy scales for use in assessing organizational performance and comparative strategy assessment.

Advanced Materials & Technologies For Energy Conversion & Storage

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

The Artificial Intelligence Research Group is a noteworthy scientific and technology research group that tackles unsolved challenges and pushes the boundaries of research. Its goal is to create a natural environment that will support the artificial intelligence industry and its technological development, as well as investigating major biomedical applications, smart city applications, and intelligent decision-making systems. The ultimate outcome of this group is enhancing the region's leading position and the overall scientific research strength. The first round of articles will concentrate on fundamental research including the use of deep learning and evolutionary intelligence to cancer diagnostics and disease detection in particular. Genetic data compression and recognition, medical image recognition and diagnosis, medical knowledge mapping and natural language processing, and finally intelligent health care application platforms are the four main areas of the research. Furthermore, the group focuses on the use of deep neural networks for bioinformatics and data science applications, the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Medical Things for medical devices, fusion-based feature extraction from medical images, and finally, proposing an AI-enabled framework for healthcare big data.

Renewable Energy & Power Systems

This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational effectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful effect of the co-occurrence of group intra-confects, investigating leader-member differentiation's (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin eect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Mathematical Models, Nanobiotechnology & Energy Applications

We tend to promote and value empirical/technological research projects that test new and innovative theories and have potential contributions to the development of knowledge and current best practices within the Drug Delivery System. We are also advocates of multidisciplinary research projects that integrate cooperative team efforts from different specializations working together on developing various mathematical models. This integration enables a wider contribution at the atomic level of the molecular interactions involving surface and volume integrals using the hypergeometric and other special functions. On the execution level, we realize that understanding the different parts and phases of a research project and how these parts fit together is a very important element of its success. Furthermore, identifying the level of details that the research project is going to investigate is a key factor in estimating the necessary effort and the required timeframe. Our general research interests lie in designing and obtaining mathematical models which give a unique opportunity to understanding the realistic mechanism of acceptance and rejection of different drugs and biomolecules through binding and interacting with each other. We apply mathematical programming, adopting the realistic mechanism of the latter interactions, and IT applications in obtaining the code for each calculation.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the digital transformation of manufacturing/production and related industries and value creation processes. Industry 4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain.

Our Research And The Un Sustainable Development Goals

The University’s research mission is to undertake research that actively contributes to the enhancement of the social, economic, and surrounding environment. Our active researchers across all the research centres and hubs are undertaking high quality research, applying new technological advances to real life problems with the aim of producing felt impacts. This novel research is guided by the University’s research mission, the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision, and the UN 2015 blueprint of Sustainable Development Goals (UN SGDs). We are particularly proud to proclaim that our researchers in each of the 18 research hubs are currently engaged in working for a better world by addressing issues identified by the United Nations as Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Research Highlights

Collaborating International Researcher
Articles in Scopus Indexed Q1/Q2 Journals (2022-2023)
Research Focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Labs Studios and Cutting Edge Research Facilities

Overall Research Plan

The university's five research centers, with 40+ active faculty and 80+ international collaborators, publish findings in top academic journals.


Articles in Scopus indexed Q1/Q2 Journals


nclassified Scopus indexed Journals


Books with International Academic Publishers

Research Facilities

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Research at UBT


Predicting the FTSE China A50 Index Movements Using Sample Entropy

2022 | Hatem Akeel Read More

Different approaches of context in quantitative entrepreneurship research

2020 | Aljarodi et al., Read More

Is education or Real GDP per capita helped countries staying at home during COVID-19 pandemic: cross-section evidence?

2020 | Hatem Akeel Read More

Testing Weak-Form Market Efficiency: The Case of Saudi Arabia

2020 | Haitham Khoj Read More

A YouTube analysis of Muslim scholar reactions to Trump’s electoral outcome: social work implications

2019 | Yusof, Yusmarhaini; Syed-Ahmad, Sharifah Fatimah; Mainal, Azizah; and Murphy, Jamie Read More

Audience Response to Travel Photos and Arab Destination Image

2013 | Syed-Ahmad, Sharifah Fatimah; Musa, Ghazali; Klobas, Jane Elisabeth and Murphy, Jamie Read More
Book Chapter

ARABIAN SIGHTS: Shared Muslim States' Photos". In J.Jafari and N.Scott (Eds), Tourism in the Muslim World

2010 | Syed-Ahmad, Sharifah Fatimah; Pengiran-Kahar, Dayangku Ida Nurul-Fitri; Medabesh, Ali and Murphy, Jamie Read More

Social Networking as a Marketing Tool: The Case of a Small Australian Company

2010 | Syed-Ahmad, Sharifah Fatimah and Murphy, Jamie Read More

The Hijab: A Tourism Image in the Arab World

- | Pengiran-Kahar, Dayangku Ida Nurul-Fitri; Syed-Ahmad, Sharifah Fatimah; Bruel, Lisbet and Murphy, Jamie Read More

Why design?

- | Abdelqader Alnobani Read More