ARAB101 Arabic Language 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
the course builds on the knowledge of basic structures of arabic language provided by pre-university education. it enables students to put this knowledge into practical prospective, allowing them to develop and use various skills in reading and writing academic literatures and professional communication, such as research projects, public speaking, reports writing, and business communications. |
ARAB201 Arabic Language 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ARAB101-1, ARAB101-2 |
the course contents deal with more complex concepts of arabic language. specifically, it focuses on the linguistic composition of sentences, and the proper syntax and vocalization. critical readings of poems and prose will be used to achieve the course objectives. |
CE 204 Computer Aided Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
introduction to computer aided design and drafting, (cadd), 2d drawings with autocad includes multi-view projection, dimensions, sections, auxiliary views, free hand sketching, mining and civil engineering problems, metallic members and their connections, bearing and slope of lines and planes, contour map lines, cut and fill, blue print reading, and 3d drawings. |
CE 212 Surveying & Spatial
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
elementary plane surveying, geospatial coordinate systems, error and accuracy analysis, introduction to geographic information systems, theory and uses of global positioning systems, introduction to photogrammetry and land-surface remote sensing in the context of civil and environmental engineering. |
CE 222 Mechanics Of Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE201-2, MATH203-1 |
simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns. |
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1 |
engineering properties of steel, portland cement concrete, bituminous cement concrete, and timber; laboratory measurement of properties; interpretation of results. written reports. |
CE 312 Environmental Engineering Basic
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CHEM102-2 |
concepts of aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering. quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems. environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. written and oral reports. |
CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1 |
analysis of statistically determinate structures; influence lines; deflection of trusses, beams, and frames; introduction to indeterminate analysis using consistent deformation and moment distribution; computer programming. |
CE 314 Professional Issue Seminar
Credit Hours: 1 |
Prerequisite: IE255-3 |
issues in the practice of civil & environmental engineering: professional ethics, law/contracts, insurance/liability, global/societal issues (e.g., sustainable development, product life cycle), construction management and professional development. |
CE 315 Fluid Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH204-1, ME204-1 |
statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. dimensional analysis. application to pipe flow and open channel flow. |
CE 321 Reinforced Concrete Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
loads; design philosophies, current design codes, design for flexure, shear, torsion and axial loads. design of beams, columns, beam-columns, two-way slabs; serviceability considerations; applications to buildings. design project. |
CE 322 Hydraulics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1, CE323-1 |
design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines, pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media hydraulics. computer applications. |
CE 323 Soil Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CHEM102-2, IE255-3 |
soil classification, fundamentals of soil behavior and its use as a construction material. effective stress principle, seepage and flow nets, consolidation, shear strength, limit equilibrium analysis. lab experiments and written reports.
CE 324 Transportation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, IE255-3 |
design of transportation facilities. traffic flow and capacity analysis. travel demand analysis. |
CE 412 Foundation Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1, CE323-1, CE324-1 |
application of soil properties to design of foundations, retaining structures, excavation drainage, shallow footings, deep foundations, specifications, subsurface exploration. |
CE 422 Construction Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2 |
types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment regarding soil compaction and stabilization, excavation and earthmoving operations. formwork design. detailed cost estimation for civil works. project control. |
CE 423 Hydrology & Water Resources
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE322-1, IE255-3 |
hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and stream flow processes. stream hydrographs and flood routing. hydrologic modeling and design. objectives of water resources development. water demand. reservoirs, dams and spillways. conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. planning for water resources development. economic analysis of water resources projects. computer applications. design project. |
CE 431 Construction Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE204-2, IE255-3 |
characteristics of construction industry; project delivery systems; the design and construction process; construction contracting; critical path method for scheduling and managing engineering project tasks; resource allocation subject to constraints; simplex method for linear programming; and quality and safety management. |
CE 432 Construction Planning & Contracting
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE322-1, IE255-3 |
systems approach to project management. skills and knowledge necessary to effectively plan and control projects of any size. ins-and-outs of managing and updating a baseline schedule. |
CE 433 Construction Estimating
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: IE255-3 |
the role of the estimator not only in terms of predicting project cost, but also by recognizing potential risk that impacts the financial bottom line of an estimate. presentation of commonly accepted practices and new estimating technologies, which are widely used in the estimating profession. |
CE 434 Advanced Method & Construction
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE204-2, IE255-3 |
building information modeling (bim) as the state-of-the-art approach to facility design and construction using object-based 3-d models. virtual design and construction technology. |
CE 454 Highway Design & Construction
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE323-1, CE324-1 |
characteristics of driver, pedestrian vehicle, and traffic flow; geometric design of highways; layouts of intersections, interchanges and terminals; highway drainage; review of highway paving materials; design of asphalt paving mixtures; pavement design; highway construction and supervision; common pavement surface distress and associated correction activities; introduction to maintenance management system; computer applications on highway geometric design.
CE 499 Senior Project
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, CE321-2 |
team-work on a civil engineering capstone design project involving comprehensive design experience; exposure to professional practice with practitioner involvement. preparation of the project report and its presentation. |
CHEM102 General Chemistry Ii
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CHEM101-2, CHEM101-3 |
a continuation of general chemistry i, this course is designed to give students a foundation for advanced courses, such as organic chemistry. reaction kinetics equilibria, thermodynamic properties of reactions, etc., will be covered. the course laboratory will include some qualitative and quantitative measurements to formulate and analyze chemical reactions. |
IE 255 Engineering Economy
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH101-2 |
fundamentals of engineering economy. time value for money. evaluation of alternatives.
replacement and retention analysis. break even analysis. depreciation methods. basics of
inflation. |
IE 331 Probability And Engineering Statistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
descriptive statistics with graphical summaries. basic concepts of probability and its engineering applications. probability distributions of random variables. confidence intervals. introduction to hypothesis testing. correlation and linear regression. |
IT 100 Computer Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
MATH203 Calculus Iii
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: MATH102-1 |
vector algebra and application in 3-d-different coordinate systems in 3-d. analytic geometry in 3-d; (lines & planes), plane curves, tangents and normal. curvature. functions of several variables: partial derivatives & differentials, extreme and applications. line, double and triple integrals with applications in various coordinates. vector analysis: differentiation of a vector function, directional derivatives. differential operators (grad, div, curl). integration of a vector faction. divergence, green's and stokes' theorems. |
ME 205 Engineering Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
this course explores two-dimensional technical drawing and freehand sketching commonly used as a form of engineering communication. topics include orthographic, isometric, oblique, perspective drawing and associated sections and developments. |
SOC 140 Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1, ESP101-1 |
survey of theories of interpersonal communication in social and professional relational contexts with attention to roles, social exchange, dimensions of communication both socially and professionally, development and deterioration of communications. |
ARAB101 Arabic Language 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
the course builds on the knowledge of basic structures of arabic language provided by pre-university education. it enables students to put this knowledge into practical prospective, allowing them to develop and use various skills in reading and writing academic literatures and professional communication, such as research projects, public speaking, reports writing, and business communications. |
ARAB201 Arabic Language 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ARAB101-1, ARAB101-2 |
the course contents deal with more complex concepts of arabic language. specifically, it focuses on the linguistic composition of sentences, and the proper syntax and vocalization. critical readings of poems and prose will be used to achieve the course objectives. |
CE 204 Computer Aided Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
introduction to computer aided design and drafting, (cadd), 2d drawings with autocad includes multi-view projection, dimensions, sections, auxiliary views, free hand sketching, mining and civil engineering problems, metallic members and their connections, bearing and slope of lines and planes, contour map lines, cut and fill, blue print reading, and 3d drawings. |
CE 212 Surveying & Spatial
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
elementary plane surveying, geospatial coordinate systems, error and accuracy analysis, introduction to geographic information systems, theory and uses of global positioning systems, introduction to photogrammetry and land-surface remote sensing in the context of civil and environmental engineering. |
CE 222 Mechanics Of Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE201-2, MATH203-1 |
simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns. |
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1 |
engineering properties of steel, portland cement concrete, bituminous cement concrete, and timber; laboratory measurement of properties; interpretation of results. written reports. |
CE 312 Environmental Engineering Basic
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CHEM102-2 |
concepts of aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering. quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems. environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. written and oral reports. |
CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE222-1 |
analysis of statistically determinate structures; influence lines; deflection of trusses, beams, and frames; introduction to indeterminate analysis using consistent deformation and moment distribution; computer programming. |
CE 315 Fluid Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2, MATH204-1, ME204-1 |
statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. dimensional analysis. application to pipe flow and open channel flow. |
CE 321 Reinforced Concrete Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
loads; design philosophies, current design codes, design for flexure, shear, torsion and axial loads. design of beams, columns, beam-columns, two-way slabs; serviceability considerations; applications to buildings. design project. |
CE 322 Hydraulics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1, CE323-1 |
design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines, pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media hydraulics. computer applications. |
CE 323 Soil Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE323-1, CHEM102-2 |
soil classification, fundamentals of soil behavior and its use as a construction material. effective stress principle, seepage and flow nets, consolidation, shear strength, limit equilibrium analysis. lab experiments and written reports.
CE 324 Transportation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE222-1, CE312-1 |
design of transportation facilities. traffic flow and capacity analysis. travel demand analysis. |
CE 412 Foundation Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1, CE322-1, CE323-1 |
application of soil properties to design of foundations, retaining structures, excavation drainage, shallow footings, deep foundations, specifications, subsurface exploration. |
CE 422 Construction Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2 |
types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment regarding soil compaction and stabilization, excavation and earthmoving operations. formwork design. detailed cost estimation for civil works. project control. |
CE 423 Hydrology & Water Resources
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE322-1, CE323-1 |
hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and stream flow processes. stream hydrographs and flood routing. hydrologic modeling and design. objectives of water resources development. water demand. reservoirs, dams and spillways. conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. planning for water resources development. economic analysis of water resources projects. computer applications. design project. |
CE 461 Water Quality Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1, CE321-2, CE322-1, MATH204-1, ME204-1 |
physical, chemical, and biological principles for the treatment of aqueous phase contaminants. systematic approach for analyzing contamination problems. assessments of lake eutrophication, conventional pollutants in rivers and estuaries and toxic chemicals in groundwater. reactor dynamics and kinetics. treatment of water and wastewater. design of treatment facilities. |
CE 462 Engineering Geology
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE312-1, CE323-1 |
physical properties of earth materials, geological processes, physical and mineralogical properties of rocks, classification of rocks, structural geology, soil formation and properties, clay minerals, groundwater. |
CE 463 Environmental Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE312-1 |
aqueous analytical chemical techniques, absorption, coagulation/flocculation, fluidization, gas stripping, biokinetics, interpretation of analytical results, bench-scale design projects, written and oral reports. |
CE 464 Environmental Modeling
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1, CE321-2, CE322-1 |
systematic approach for analyzing contamination problems. systems theory and modeling will be used to assess the predominant processes that control the fate and mobility of pollutants in the environment. assessments of lake eutrophication, conventional pollutants in rivers and estuaries and toxic chemicals in groundwater. |
CE 465 Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE312-1, CE323-1 |
aqueous analytical chemical techniques, absorption, coagulation/flocculation, fluidization, gas stripping, biokinetics, interpretation of analytical results, bench-scale design projects, written and oral reports. |
CE 499 Senior Project
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, CE321-2 |
team-work on a civil engineering capstone design project involving comprehensive design experience; exposure to professional practice with practitioner involvement. preparation of the project report and its presentation. |
CHEM102 General Chemistry Ii
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CHEM101-2, CHEM101-3 |
a continuation of general chemistry i, this course is designed to give students a foundation for advanced courses, such as organic chemistry. reaction kinetics equilibria, thermodynamic properties of reactions, etc., will be covered. the course laboratory will include some qualitative and quantitative measurements to formulate and analyze chemical reactions. |
IE 255 Engineering Economy
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH101-2 |
fundamentals of engineering economy. time value for money. evaluation of alternatives.
replacement and retention analysis. break even analysis. depreciation methods. basics of
inflation. |
IE 331 Probability And Engineering Statistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
descriptive statistics with graphical summaries. basic concepts of probability and its engineering applications. probability distributions of random variables. confidence intervals. introduction to hypothesis testing. correlation and linear regression. |
ISLS301 Islamic Culture 3 (Business Ethics)
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CLE500-1 |
the emphasis of this course is on the responsibilities of management and staff toward other stakeholders, namely society, suppliers, customers, government, and owner/shareholders. topics will include from islamic point of view: social responsibility, trust, devotion, loyalty, law-obedience, and honesty; all in the context of business practices |
IT 100 Computer Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
MATH203 Calculus Iii
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: MATH102-1 |
vector algebra and application in 3-d-different coordinate systems in 3-d. analytic geometry in 3-d; (lines & planes), plane curves, tangents and normal. curvature. functions of several variables: partial derivatives & differentials, extreme and applications. line, double and triple integrals with applications in various coordinates. vector analysis: differentiation of a vector function, directional derivatives. differential operators (grad, div, curl). integration of a vector faction. divergence, green's and stokes' theorems. |
ME 205 Engineering Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
this course explores two-dimensional technical drawing and freehand sketching commonly used as a form of engineering communication. topics include orthographic, isometric, oblique, perspective drawing and associated sections and developments. |
SOC 140 Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1, ESP101-1 |
survey of theories of interpersonal communication in social and professional relational contexts with attention to roles, social exchange, dimensions of communication both socially and professionally, development and deterioration of communications. |
ARAB101 Arabic Language 1
Credit Hours: 2 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
ARAB201 Arabic Language 2
Credit Hours: 2 |
Prerequisite: ARAB101-2 |
CE 204 Computer Aided Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
introduction to computer aided design and drafting, (cadd), 2d drawings with autocad includes multi-view projection, dimensions, sections, auxiliary views, free hand sketching, mining and civil engineering problems, metallic members and their connections, bearing and slope of lines and planes, contour map lines, cut and fill, blue print reading, and 3d drawings. |
CE 212 Surveying & Spatial
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
elementary plane surveying, geospatial coordinate systems, error and accuracy analysis, introduction to geographic information systems, theory and uses of global positioning systems, introduction to photogrammetry and land-surface remote sensing in the context of civil and environmental engineering. |
CE 222 Mechanics Of Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE201-1, MATH203-1 |
simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns. |
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1 |
engineering properties of steel, portland cement concrete, bituminous cement concrete, and timber; laboratory measurement of properties; interpretation of results. written reports. |
CE 312 Environmental Engineering Basic
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CHEM102-2 |
concepts of aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering. quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems. environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. written and oral reports. |
CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1 |
analysis of statistically determinate structures; influence lines; deflection of trusses, beams, and frames; introduction to indeterminate analysis using consistent deformation and moment distribution; computer programming. |
CE 315 Fluid Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH204-1, ME204-1 |
statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. dimensional analysis. application to pipe flow and open channel flow. |
CE 321 Reinforced Concrete Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1 |
loads; design philosophies, current design codes, design for flexure, shear, torsion and axial loads. design of beams, columns, beam-columns, two-way slabs; serviceability considerations; applications to buildings. design project. |
CE 322 Hydraulics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1 |
design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines, pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media hydraulics. computer applications. |
CE 323 Soil Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1 |
soil classification, fundamentals of soil behavior and its use as a construction material. effective stress principle, seepage and flow nets, consolidation, shear strength, limit equilibrium analysis. lab experiments and written reports.
CE 324 Transportation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1 |
design of transportation facilities. traffic flow and capacity analysis. travel demand analysis. |
CE 412 Foundation Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE323-1 |
application of soil properties to design of foundations, retaining structures, excavation drainage, shallow footings, deep foundations, specifications, subsurface exploration. |
CE 422 Construction Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2 |
types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment regarding soil compaction and stabilization, excavation and earthmoving operations. formwork design. detailed cost estimation for civil works. project control. |
CE 423 Hydrology & Water Resources
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE322-1 |
hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and stream flow processes. stream hydrographs and flood routing. hydrologic modeling and design. objectives of water resources development. water demand. reservoirs, dams and spillways. conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. planning for water resources development. economic analysis of water resources projects. computer applications. design project. |
CHEM102 General Chemistry Ii
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CHEM101-2, CHEM101-3 |
a continuation of general chemistry i, this course is designed to give students a foundation for advanced courses, such as organic chemistry. reaction kinetics equilibria, thermodynamic properties of reactions, etc., will be covered. the course laboratory will include some qualitative and quantitative measurements to formulate and analyze chemical reactions. |
IE 255 Engineering Economy
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH101-2 |
fundamentals of engineering economy. time value for money. evaluation of alternatives.
replacement and retention analysis. break even analysis. depreciation methods. basics of
inflation. |
IE 331 Probability And Engineering Statistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH102-1 |
descriptive statistics with graphical summaries. basic concepts of probability and its engineering applications. probability distributions of random variables. confidence intervals. introduction to hypothesis testing. correlation and linear regression. |
MATH099 Pre-Calculus
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
this course emphasizes two components necessary for success in this level course which employ mathematics. the first component consists of basic algebraic notions and their manipulations. the second component consists of the practice of solving multi-step problems from other disciplines, called mathematical modeling. the topics include: lines, systems of equations, polynomials, rational expressions, exponential and logarithmic functions. students will engage in group projects in mathematical modeling. |
MATH203 Calculus Iii
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: MATH102-1 |
vector algebra and application in 3-d-different coordinate systems in 3-d. analytic geometry in 3-d; (lines & planes), plane curves, tangents and normal. curvature. functions of several variables: partial derivatives & differentials, extreme and applications. line, double and triple integrals with applications in various coordinates. vector analysis: differentiation of a vector function, directional derivatives. differential operators (grad, div, curl). integration of a vector faction. divergence, green's and stokes' theorems. |
ME 205 Engineering Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
this course explores two-dimensional technical drawing and freehand sketching commonly used as a form of engineering communication. topics include orthographic, isometric, oblique, perspective drawing and associated sections and developments. |
SE 100 Computer Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
SOC 140 Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
survey of theories of interpersonal communication in social and professional relational contexts with attention to roles, social exchange, dimensions of communication both socially and professionally, development and deterioration of communications. |
ARAB101 Arabic Language 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
the course builds on the knowledge of basic structures of arabic language provided by pre-university education. it enables students to put this knowledge into practical prospective, allowing them to develop and use various skills in reading and writing academic literatures and professional communication, such as research projects, public speaking, reports writing, and business communications. |
ARAB201 Arabic Language 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ARAB101-1, ARAB101-2 |
the course contents deal with more complex concepts of arabic language. specifically, it focuses on the linguistic composition of sentences, and the proper syntax and vocalization. critical readings of poems and prose will be used to achieve the course objectives. |
CE 204 Computer Aided Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
introduction to computer aided design and drafting, (cadd), 2d drawings with autocad includes multi-view projection, dimensions, sections, auxiliary views, free hand sketching, mining and civil engineering problems, metallic members and their connections, bearing and slope of lines and planes, contour map lines, cut and fill, blue print reading, and 3d drawings. |
CE 212 Surveying & Spatial
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
elementary plane surveying, geospatial coordinate systems, error and accuracy analysis, introduction to geographic information systems, theory and uses of global positioning systems, introduction to photogrammetry and land-surface remote sensing in the context of civil and environmental engineering. |
CE 222 Mechanics Of Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE201-2, MATH203-1 |
simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns. |
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1 |
engineering properties of steel, portland cement concrete, bituminous cement concrete, and timber; laboratory measurement of properties; interpretation of results. written reports. |
CE 312 Environmental Engineering Basic
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CHEM102-2 |
concepts of aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering. quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems. environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. written and oral reports. |
CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE222-1 |
analysis of statistically determinate structures; influence lines; deflection of trusses, beams, and frames; introduction to indeterminate analysis using consistent deformation and moment distribution; computer programming. |
CE 314 Professional Issue Seminar
Credit Hours: 1 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2 |
issues in the practice of civil & environmental engineering: professional ethics, law/contracts, insurance/liability, global/societal issues (e.g., sustainable development, product life cycle), construction management and professional development. |
CE 315 Fluid Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH204-1, ME204-1 |
statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. dimensional analysis. application to pipe flow and open channel flow. |
CE 321 Reinforced Concrete Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE312-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
loads; design philosophies, current design codes, design for flexure, shear, torsion and axial loads. design of beams, columns, beam-columns, two-way slabs; serviceability considerations; applications to buildings. design project. |
CE 322 Hydraulics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1, CE323-1 |
design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines, pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media hydraulics. computer applications. |
CE 323 Soil Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE321-2, CHEM102-2 |
soil classification, fundamentals of soil behavior and its use as a construction material. effective stress principle, seepage and flow nets, consolidation, shear strength, limit equilibrium analysis. lab experiments and written reports.
CE 324 Transportation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE222-1, CE311-1, CE312-1, CE313-1 |
design of transportation facilities. traffic flow and capacity analysis. travel demand analysis. |
CE 412 Foundation Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1, CE322-1, CE323-1 |
application of soil properties to design of foundations, retaining structures, excavation drainage, shallow footings, deep foundations, specifications, subsurface exploration. |
CE 422 Construction Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2 |
types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment regarding soil compaction and stabilization, excavation and earthmoving operations. formwork design. detailed cost estimation for civil works. project control. |
CE 423 Hydrology & Water Resources
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE322-1, CE323-1 |
hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and stream flow processes. stream hydrographs and flood routing. hydrologic modeling and design. objectives of water resources development. water demand. reservoirs, dams and spillways. conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. planning for water resources development. economic analysis of water resources projects. computer applications. design project. |
CE 441 Design Of Steel Structures
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE204-2, CE313-1, CE321-1 |
properties of steel. types of loads. philosophy of allowable stress design
(asd) method. analysis and design of tension and compression members.
axially loaded columns. base plate. design of beams for flexure and
shear. beams with cover plates. unsymmetrical bending. deflection.
design of beams-column. bolted and welded connections computer
applications in the design of steel members sections and connections design |
CE 442 Pre-Stressed Concrete
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE321-2, CE412-1 |
analysis, design, and behavior of pre-tensioned and post-tensioned concrete; simple and continuous span structures; time dependent behavior; review of design specifications. |
CE 443 Design Of Masonry Structures
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE312-1, CE313-1 |
interest in structural masonry has increased significantly in recent years. design of masonry structures covers the british code bs 5628 and the eurocode ec6. structural masonry design based on a limit state approach. design of masonry elements under compression, shear and lateral load and pre-stressed members and masonry walls acting compositely with reinforced concrete or steel structures.
CE 444 Steel Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE204-2, CE313-1, CE321-1 |
loads; design philosophies; current design codes; design of beams, columns, tension members, connections, composite members, plate girders; applications to buildings. design project.
CE 445 Advanced Foundation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2, CE412-1 |
ultimate capacities and load-deflection of piles and drilled shafts subjected to compressive loads, tensile loads, and lateral loads; effects of duration of load, soil-structure interaction; two- and three-dimensional analysis of pile groups with closely-spaced piles; effects of installation; inspection of deep foundations and full-scale field tests. |
CE 499 Senior Project
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE312-1, CE321-2 |
team-work on a civil engineering capstone design project involving comprehensive design experience; exposure to professional practice with practitioner involvement. preparation of the project report and its presentation. |
CHEM102 General Chemistry Ii
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CHEM101-2, CHEM101-3 |
a continuation of general chemistry i, this course is designed to give students a foundation for advanced courses, such as organic chemistry. reaction kinetics equilibria, thermodynamic properties of reactions, etc., will be covered. the course laboratory will include some qualitative and quantitative measurements to formulate and analyze chemical reactions. |
IE 255 Engineering Economy
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH101-2 |
fundamentals of engineering economy. time value for money. evaluation of alternatives.
replacement and retention analysis. break even analysis. depreciation methods. basics of
inflation. |
IE 331 Probability And Engineering Statistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
descriptive statistics with graphical summaries. basic concepts of probability and its engineering applications. probability distributions of random variables. confidence intervals. introduction to hypothesis testing. correlation and linear regression. |
IT 100 Computer Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
MATH203 Calculus Iii
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: MATH102-1 |
vector algebra and application in 3-d-different coordinate systems in 3-d. analytic geometry in 3-d; (lines & planes), plane curves, tangents and normal. curvature. functions of several variables: partial derivatives & differentials, extreme and applications. line, double and triple integrals with applications in various coordinates. vector analysis: differentiation of a vector function, directional derivatives. differential operators (grad, div, curl). integration of a vector faction. divergence, green's and stokes' theorems. |
ME 205 Engineering Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
this course explores two-dimensional technical drawing and freehand sketching commonly used as a form of engineering communication. topics include orthographic, isometric, oblique, perspective drawing and associated sections and developments. |
SOC 140 Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1, ESP101-1 |
survey of theories of interpersonal communication in social and professional relational contexts with attention to roles, social exchange, dimensions of communication both socially and professionally, development and deterioration of communications. |
ARAB101 Arabic Language 1
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1 |
the course builds on the knowledge of basic structures of arabic language provided by pre-university education. it enables students to put this knowledge into practical prospective, allowing them to develop and use various skills in reading and writing academic literatures and professional communication, such as research projects, public speaking, reports writing, and business communications. |
ARAB201 Arabic Language 2
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ARAB101-1, ARAB101-2 |
the course contents deal with more complex concepts of arabic language. specifically, it focuses on the linguistic composition of sentences, and the proper syntax and vocalization. critical readings of poems and prose will be used to achieve the course objectives. |
CE 204 Computer Aided Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
introduction to computer aided design and drafting, (cadd), 2d drawings with autocad includes multi-view projection, dimensions, sections, auxiliary views, free hand sketching, mining and civil engineering problems, metallic members and their connections, bearing and slope of lines and planes, contour map lines, cut and fill, blue print reading, and 3d drawings. |
CE 212 Surveying & Spatial
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: ME205-1 |
elementary plane surveying, geospatial coordinate systems, error and accuracy analysis, introduction to geographic information systems, theory and uses of global positioning systems, introduction to photogrammetry and land-surface remote sensing in the context of civil and environmental engineering. |
CE 222 Mechanics Of Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE201-2, MATH203-1 |
simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns. |
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1 |
engineering properties of steel, portland cement concrete, bituminous cement concrete, and timber; laboratory measurement of properties; interpretation of results. written reports. |
CE 312 Environmental Engineering Basic
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CHEM102-2 |
concepts of aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering. quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems. environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. written and oral reports. |
CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE222-1 |
analysis of statistically determinate structures; influence lines; deflection of trusses, beams, and frames; introduction to indeterminate analysis using consistent deformation and moment distribution; computer programming. |
CE 314 Professional Issue Seminar
Credit Hours: 1 |
Prerequisite: IE255-3 |
issues in the practice of civil & environmental engineering: professional ethics, law/contracts, insurance/liability, global/societal issues (e.g., sustainable development, product life cycle), construction management and professional development. |
CE 315 Fluid Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH204-1, ME204-1 |
statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. dimensional analysis. application to pipe flow and open channel flow. |
CE 321 Reinforced Concrete Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
loads; design philosophies, current design codes, design for flexure, shear, torsion and axial loads. design of beams, columns, beam-columns, two-way slabs; serviceability considerations; applications to buildings. design project. |
CE 322 Hydraulics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE222-1, CE315-1, CE323-1 |
design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines, pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media hydraulics. computer applications. |
CE 323 Soil Mechanics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE324-1, CHEM102-2 |
soil classification, fundamentals of soil behavior and its use as a construction material. effective stress principle, seepage and flow nets, consolidation, shear strength, limit equilibrium analysis. lab experiments and written reports.
CE 324 Transportation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE222-1, CE324-1 |
design of transportation facilities. traffic flow and capacity analysis. travel demand analysis. |
CE 412 Foundation Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE315-1, CE323-1, CE324-1 |
application of soil properties to design of foundations, retaining structures, excavation drainage, shallow footings, deep foundations, specifications, subsurface exploration. |
CE 422 Construction Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE321-2 |
types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment regarding soil compaction and stabilization, excavation and earthmoving operations. formwork design. detailed cost estimation for civil works. project control. |
CE 423 Hydrology & Water Resources
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE322-1, CE324-1 |
hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and stream flow processes. stream hydrographs and flood routing. hydrologic modeling and design. objectives of water resources development. water demand. reservoirs, dams and spillways. conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. planning for water resources development. economic analysis of water resources projects. computer applications. design project. |
CE 431 Construction Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE323-1, CE324-1, IE255-3 |
characteristics of construction industry; project delivery systems; the design and construction process; construction contracting; critical path method for scheduling and managing engineering project tasks; resource allocation subject to constraints; simplex method for linear programming; and quality and safety management. |
CE 451 Railway Transportation Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE322-1, CE324-1 |
an introduction to highway-rail grade crossings and railroad track system design, components, roadbeds, and maintenance |
CE 452 Railroad Track Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE212-1, CE324-1 |
railroad track engineering concepts, including track component and system design, construction, evaluation, maintenance, load distribution, and wheel/rail interaction. |
CE 453 Pavement Analysis And Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE323-1, CE324-1, IE255-3 |
analysis and design of flexible and rigid pavements; testing and characterization of paving materials. |
CE 454 Highway Design & Construction
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE323-1, CE324-1 |
characteristics of driver, pedestrian vehicle, and traffic flow; geometric design of highways; layouts of intersections, interchanges and terminals; highway drainage; review of highway paving materials; design of asphalt paving mixtures; pavement design; highway construction and supervision; common pavement surface distress and associated correction activities; introduction to maintenance management system; computer applications on highway geometric design.
CE 499 Senior Project
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, CE321-2 |
team-work on a civil engineering capstone design project involving comprehensive design experience; exposure to professional practice with practitioner involvement. preparation of the project report and its presentation. |
CHEM102 General Chemistry Ii
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CHEM101-2, CHEM101-3 |
a continuation of general chemistry i, this course is designed to give students a foundation for advanced courses, such as organic chemistry. reaction kinetics equilibria, thermodynamic properties of reactions, etc., will be covered. the course laboratory will include some qualitative and quantitative measurements to formulate and analyze chemical reactions. |
IE 255 Engineering Economy
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH101-2 |
fundamentals of engineering economy. time value for money. evaluation of alternatives.
replacement and retention analysis. break even analysis. depreciation methods. basics of
inflation. |
IE 331 Probability And Engineering Statistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: CE311-1, CE313-1, MATH102-1 |
descriptive statistics with graphical summaries. basic concepts of probability and its engineering applications. probability distributions of random variables. confidence intervals. introduction to hypothesis testing. correlation and linear regression. |
IT 100 Computer Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
MATH203 Calculus Iii
Credit Hours: 4 |
Prerequisite: MATH102-1 |
vector algebra and application in 3-d-different coordinate systems in 3-d. analytic geometry in 3-d; (lines & planes), plane curves, tangents and normal. curvature. functions of several variables: partial derivatives & differentials, extreme and applications. line, double and triple integrals with applications in various coordinates. vector analysis: differentiation of a vector function, directional derivatives. differential operators (grad, div, curl). integration of a vector faction. divergence, green's and stokes' theorems. |
ME 205 Engineering Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: MATH099-2 |
this course explores two-dimensional technical drawing and freehand sketching commonly used as a form of engineering communication. topics include orthographic, isometric, oblique, perspective drawing and associated sections and developments. |
SOC 140 Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
Prerequisite: EL400-1, ESP101-1 |
survey of theories of interpersonal communication in social and professional relational contexts with attention to roles, social exchange, dimensions of communication both socially and professionally, development and deterioration of communications. |