Unlock Your Potential with E-Learning Excellence
Welcome to UBT’s Department of eLearning, where innovation meets education. Our cutting-edge digital platforms and resources empower you to learn anytime, anywhere.
Get OverviewOverview Of Department Of ELearning
Overview Of Department Of ELearning
Develop an e-learning world where learners, teachers and researchers use technology to enhance the overall educational experience both on campus and off campus.
In this dynamic era of technology, and with everyday advances in communication, multimedia, digital & mobile applications, the University of Business and Technology has to constantly adapt itself to technological advances, and develop and improve its own tools in regards to education. The use of educational technology provides an interactive learning environment for students and faculties all around the world. Saudi universities compete to provide a beneficial learning experience for their students, and some of them have begun implementing distance learning options. Along with the new regulated approach of approving online courses by the ministry of higher education, UBT has to adopt and apply e-learning to enhance the educational experience inside their campuses and outside as well.
![Dean's Message](/files/Dean's Message212251712.png)
Dean Message
In this dynamic era of technology, and with everyday advances in communication, multimedia, digital & mobile applications, the University of Business and Technology has to constantly adapt itself to technological advances, and develop and improve its own tools in regards to education. The use of educational technology provides an interactive learning environment for students and faculties all around the world. Saudi universities compete to provide a beneficial learning experience for their students, and some of them have begun implementing distance learning options. Along with the new regulated approach of approving online courses by the ministry of higher education, UBT has to adopt and apply e-learning to enhance the educational experience inside their campuses and outside as well.
Contact Information
North Obhur Campus
- Dhaban-North Jeddah
- +96612-2159000
- cba.info@ubt.edu.sa
- 920000490
- +966-12-2159010
Al-Corniche Campus
- Abdulrahman fageeh, Across Ash Shati, Jeddah
- 920000490
- +966 - 12 - 2326600
- +966 - 12 - 6900189
- info@ubt.edu.sa
Bachlor Degree Programs:
Boys Campus:
Girls Campus:
Master Degree Programs:
Boys Campus:
Girls Campus:
In this dynamic era of technology, and with everyday advances in communication, multimedia, digital & mobile applications, the University of Business and Technology has to constantly adapt itself to technological advances, and develop and improve its own tools in regards to education. The use of educational technology provides an interactive learning environment for students and faculties all around the world. Saudi universities compete to provide a beneficial learning experience for their students, and some of them have begun implementing distance learning options. Along with the new regulated approach of approving online courses by the ministry of higher education, UBT has to adopt and apply e-learning to enhance the educational experience inside their campuses and outside as well.
To become the premier leader university of e-learning education in the region.
Develop an e-learning world where learners, teachers and researchers use technology to enhance the overall educational experience both on campus and off campus.
In this dynamic era of technology, and with everyday advances in communication, multimedia, digital & mobile applications, the University of Business and Technology has to constantly adapt itself to technological advances, and develop and improve its own tools in regards to education. The use of educational technology provides an interactive learning environment for students and faculties all around the world. Saudi universities compete to provide a beneficial learning experience for their students, and some of them have begun implementing distance learning options. Along with the new regulated approach of approving online courses by the ministry of higher education, UBT has to adopt and apply e-learning to enhance the educational experience inside their campuses and outside as well.
Under Construction
Department of E-Learning
In this dynamic era of technology, and with everyday advances in communication, multimedia, digital & mobile applications, the University of Business and Technology has to constantly adapt itself to technological advances, and develop and improve its own tools in regards to education. The use of educational technology provides an interactive learning environment for students and faculties all around the world. Saudi universities compete to provide a beneficial learning experience for their students, and some of them have begun implementing distance learning options. Along with the new regulated approach of approving online courses by the ministry of higher education, UBT has to adopt and apply e-learning to enhance the educational experience inside their campuses and outside as well.
- Increase the learning & teaching efficiency and flexibility to adapt the changes in the business environments.
- Improve students’ learning process by interactivity and boost their interest in learning where simulations, video projects, mobile learning, and such can result in fruitful engagement.
- Enhance the assessment and evaluation process to evaluate students & faculties effectively in a timely manner.
- Provide lifelong learning resources for UBT graduates and alumni.
- Extend educational opportunities to those masses missing conventional education because of distance, disabilities, or age.
- Balance educational opportunities for higher education by distance mode for a big amount of the population, including those in employment and others who wish to upgrade their educational level.
Hybrid Learning
Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing.
You can use any theory or model for teaching your online course because Blackboard Learn is open, flexible, and centered on student achievement.
At Blackboard, we nurture learners and support those who make education possible.
Explore the future
LMS- BlackBoard
Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing.
You can use any theory or model for teaching your online course because Blackboard Learn is open, flexible, and centered on student achievement.
At Blackboard, we nurture learners and support those who make education possible, from K-12 and higher education to adult learning and workplace training.
As you get started with Blackboard Learn, you'll find that teaching online shares many similarities with teaching in the face-to-face (f2f) classroom.
BlackBoard Support
Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing. You can use any theory or model for teaching your online course because Blackboard Learn is open, flexible, and centered on student achievement. At Blackboard, we nurture learners and support those who make education possible.
International Students
The student from outside the kingdom is a student who is not a Saudi citizen and who resides outside the kingdom and wants to complete his/her studies at the University of Business and technology from outside the kingdom
International Students
If you would like enroll to the University of Business and technology and your residence outside the kingdom, you must match the following rendering terms:
- Public secondary certificates from outside Saudi Arabia are required to be certified by the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in that country with the need for evidence that applicant’s high-level general secondary is completed from the applicant's country.
- The applicant must obtain high School Certificate from outside Saudi Arabia and after completing his/her initial admission procedures at the university with the promise to extract a certificate equivalent to the secondary certificate from the administration of equations at the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia, within a maximum of one semester.
- Should obtain minimum of 70% GPA for all colleges except for college of engineering requires minimum 75% of the general secondary school of secondary school holders or in Saudi Arabia or abroad.
- The applicant should be a student of good character and manner
- The applicant should have not been studying high school for more than five years and has passed the English language Proficiency test or the sixth level of the Academy English at the university, or to provide a certificate (TOEFL) of at least 59 (IB) or IELTS certificate to a minimum of 5
The student must be medically fit The applicant should not have an expelled from another university for disciplinary reasons
* For alert: The university does not guarantee the issuance of a student visa but will strive to achieve it.
الطلاب الدوليين
لطالب من خارج المملكة: هو طالب لا يحمل الجنسية السعودية ويقطن خارج المملكة ويرغب بإكمال دراسته بجامعة الأعمال والتكنولوجيا
الطلاب الدوليين
إذا كنت تود التقديم على جامعة الاعمال والتكنولوجيا ومقر إقامتك خارج المملكة يتوجب عليك مطابقة شروط التقديم التالية:
- شهادات الثانوية العامة من خارج السعودية يشترط تصديقها من قبل الملحقية الثقافية بسفارة المملكة العربية السعودية في ذلك البلد مع ضرورة وجود ما يثبت حصول المتقدم/ المتقدمة على وثيقة استكمال الثانوية العامة في البلد المانحة للشهادة
- على المتقدم / المتقدمة بشهادات الثانوية العامة من خارج السعودية وبعد استكمال اجراءات قبوله المبدئي في الجامعة الالتزام بضرورة استخراج شهادة معادلة للشهادة الثانوية من إدارة المعادلات في وزارة التعليم في السعودية ، وذلك خلال فصل دراسي واحد كحد أقصى .
- أن لا تقل نسبة الثانوية العامة لحاملي الثانوية العامة أو مايعادلها داخل السعودية أو خارجها عن 70% لجميع الكليات ماعدا الهندسة لا تقل عن 75% أو حسب مايقرره مجلس الجامعة .
- أن يكون الطالب / الطالبة حسن السيرة والسلوك
- أن لايكون قد مضى على حصوله على الثانوية العامة أكثر من خمس سنوات
- اجتياز اختبار اجادة اللغة الإنجليزية أو اجتياز المستوى السادس لأكاديمية اللغة الإنجليزية في الجامعة ، أو تقديم شهادة (توفل) بدرجة لا تقل عن 59 (IBT ) أو شهادة ( أيلتس) بدرجة لا تقل عن 5
- أن يكون الطالب / الطالبة لائقاً طبياً
- أن لا يكومن المتقدم / المتقدمة مفصولاً من جامعة أخرى لأسباب تأديبية
* للتنبيه: الجامعة لاتضمن إصدار تأشيرة للطالب ولكنها ستسعى جاهدة لتحقيق ذلك.
الطالب المحول
الطلاب المنقولون من جامعة أخرى إلى جامعة الأعمال والتكنولوجيا
ترحب جامعة الأعمال والتكنولوجيا بالطلبة المحولين من الجامعات والكليات الأخرى.
لإكمال طلب النقل، يرجى اتباع الخطوات الثلاث التالية:
At UBT, our vision is to be a leading institution that fosters innovation, academic excellence, and societal impact. We aim to create a vibrant learning environment that empowers students, nurtures creativity, and drives positive change globally.
Terms of transfer to the university
- The student should have spent a semester at least in a recognized college or university. Or is graduated from an intermediate university degree or post-secondary diploma from one of the educational institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education.
- The applicant should not have dropped more than two years of study to accept the equivalent of his or her academic material from the university or college from which he or she was transferred from.
- The applicant should not be expelled from the college, university or educational body from which he is transferred from for disciplinary or academic reasons.
- The student should transfer to a college, university or educational class at the University of Business and technology in accordance with the procedures and deadlines stated in the school.
- The number of modules acceptable to the transferred student should not exceed 40% of the total number of units planned and required to obtain a bachelor's degree in the required college, and the College Board has the right to exclude no more than 50% of the total number of units
Terms of equivalence of decisions
- The number of hours approved for the curriculum to be equated with outside the university should not be less than the number of hours approved for the equivalent course in the college. A curriculum may be equivalent to a maximum of one hour shorter than the equivalent hours of the college, provided that the total number of hours required for the student to graduate is not less than the total approved hours of graduation in its course at the university.
- The content of the curriculum should be 75% similar to the curriculum to be equated.
- The minimum grade for the equalized course should be (good) C
Mechanism For The Implementation Of Academic Equivalence Procedures
- The applicant is required to fill in the application form for transfer to the Department of Academic Affairs with the deanship of admission and registration at the university explaining the reasons for the transfer and the preferred major, phone numbers, and mailing address for better communication when approving their application.
- The applicant must attach the origin of the last-class statement to a signed position stamped in the official seal, and be placed in an official envelope sealed from its source.
- The applicant must bring a description of the syllabus from the body in which he has studied the courses, and the description shall contain the following points:
- Clarifies the general idea of the syllabus.
- States the objectives of the syllabus.
- Indicate the number of academic hours approved (approved modules, contact hours, laboratories).
- The Department of Academic Affairs ensures that all terms of the equation are congruent.
- The request for equivalence shall be sent together with all documents to the appropriate faculty to complete the equivalence procedure in accordance with academic requirements and standards.
- Fill out the acceptance form through the site.
- The original certificate of the general secondary.
- Certificate of good conduct and behavior if any.
- A copy of the identity of the Saudis or a copy of the regular stay in force for non-Saudis.
- Personal (modern) photo (4 * 6).
- Medical statement with the results of the required analyses (the medical examination form is received from the University). The origin of TOEFL and ELTs in case you find.
- The origin of TOEFL and ELTs in case you find.
- The applicant must read the admission terms of the university colleges on the University website (www.ubt.edu.sa) by clicking on (placing your link acceptance requirements)
- Fill in the Electronic acceptance form by clicking on (Apply Now), then selecting the form by degree and sex.
- Create a username and password for the ability to fill out the electronic acceptance form by pressing (SIGN UP)
- Fill all the referenced data and upload all the required documents to the university website
- Submit the form and documents electronically on the university website after reading the laws in the last form and acknowledge this to obtain a university number.
- Payment of acceptance fees of SAR 1,000 in the electronic acceptance form that was previously packaged or through the fund at the university using the Registered number.
- After payment of the student's admission fee, a date for the English language determination test will be set in case of unavailability of (TOEFL or IELTS )and a date for math testing across the link in the electronic acceptance form that was previously filled in.
- Review of the admissions departments of the university (students--gold), and (student-mast) with original documents before the first three-hour test for final acceptance and university number.
Transter Students
The students transferred from another university to the University of Business and Technology
University of Business and technology welcomes the students transferred from other universities and colleges.
To complete the transfer request, please follow these three steps:
At UBT, our vision is to be a leading institution that fosters innovation, academic excellence, and societal impact. We aim to create a vibrant learning environment that empowers students, nurtures creativity, and drives positive change globally.
Terms of transfer to the university
- The student should have spent a semester at least in a recognized college or university. Or is graduated from an intermediate university degree or post-secondary diploma from one of the educational institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education.
- The applicant should not have dropped more than two years of study to accept the equivalent of his or her academic material from the university or college from which he or she was transferred from.
- The applicant should not be expelled from the college, university or educational body from which he is transferred from for disciplinary or academic reasons.
- The student should transfer to a college, university or educational class at the University of Business and technology in accordance with the procedures and deadlines stated in the school.
- The number of modules acceptable to the transferred student should not exceed 40% of the total number of units planned and required to obtain a bachelor's degree in the required college, and the College Board has the right to exclude no more than 50% of the total number of units
Terms of equivalence of decisions
- The number of hours approved for the curriculum to be equated with outside the university should not be less than the number of hours approved for the equivalent course in the college. A curriculum may be equivalent to a maximum of one hour shorter than the equivalent hours of the college, provided that the total number of hours required for the student to graduate is not less than the total approved hours of graduation in its course at the university.
- The content of the curriculum should be 75% similar to the curriculum to be equated.
- The minimum grade for the equalized course should be (good) C
Mechanism For The Implementation Of Academic Equivalence Procedures
- The applicant is required to fill in the application form for transfer to the Department of Academic Affairs with the deanship of admission and registration at the university explaining the reasons for the transfer and the preferred major, phone numbers, and mailing address for better communication when approving their application.
- The applicant must attach the origin of the last-class statement to a signed position stamped in the official seal, and be placed in an official envelope sealed from its source.
- The applicant must bring a description of the syllabus from the body in which he has studied the courses, and the description shall contain the following points:
- Clarifies the general idea of the syllabus.
- States the objectives of the syllabus.
- Indicate the number of academic hours approved (approved modules, contact hours, laboratories).
- The Department of Academic Affairs ensures that all terms of the equation are congruent.
- The request for equivalence shall be sent together with all documents to the appropriate faculty to complete the equivalence procedure in accordance with academic requirements and standards.
- Fill out the acceptance form through the site.
- The original certificate of the general secondary.
- Certificate of good conduct and behavior if any.
- A copy of the identity of the Saudis or a copy of the regular stay in force for non-Saudis.
- Personal (modern) photo (4 * 6).
- Medical statement with the results of the required analyses (the medical examination form is received from the University). The origin of TOEFL and ELTs in case you find.
- The origin of TOEFL and ELTs in case you find.
- The applicant must read the admission terms of the university colleges on the University website (www.ubt.edu.sa) by clicking on (placing your link acceptance requirements)
- Fill in the Electronic acceptance form by clicking on (Apply Now), then selecting the form by degree and sex.
- Create a username and password for the ability to fill out the electronic acceptance form by pressing (SIGN UP)
- Fill all the referenced data and upload all the required documents to the university website
- Submit the form and documents electronically on the university website after reading the laws in the last form and acknowledge this to obtain a university number.
- Payment of acceptance fees of SAR 1,000 in the electronic acceptance form that was previously packaged or through the fund at the university using the Registered number.
- After payment of the student's admission fee, a date for the English language determination test will be set in case of unavailability of (TOEFL or IELTS )and a date for math testing across the link in the electronic acceptance form that was previously filled in.
- Review of the admissions departments of the university (students--gold), and (student-mast) with original documents before the first three-hour test for final acceptance and university number.
- Increase the learning & teaching efficiency and flexibility to adapt the changes in the business environments.
- Improve students’ learning process by interactivity and boost their interest in learning where simulations, video projects, mobile learning, and such can result in fruitful engagement.
- Enhance the assessment and evaluation process to evaluate students & faculties effectively in a timely manner.
- Provide lifelong learning resources for UBT graduates and alumni.
- Extend educational opportunities to those masses missing conventional education because of distance, disabilities, or age.
- Balance educational opportunities for higher education by distance mode for a big amount of the population, including those in employment and others who wish to upgrade their educational level.
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