UBT President

Message From The President


To begin with, I have always been and will be delighted and thrilled to belong to UBT family which I have been serving for almost a decade today. Through a journey of growth and prosperity in which the collective efforts exerted by UBT family members guided by strong leadership, UBT accomplished many national, regional, and international achievements, which has contributed to UBT Renowned and Prestigious Reputation as a Leading Private Universities not only nationally but also regionally and internationally.

Gaining the generous trust of UBT Board of Trustees, led by BOT Chairman, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Sadiq Dahlan, by appointing me as the Third UBT President, is a great responsibility. I am fully aware of such trust magnitude, by which preserving what UBT has accomplished so far is at the forefront of our priorities. Not only that, but also these accomplishments will be the cornerstone for striving and being determinant to elevate to new accomplishments towards a bright and prosperous future and horizon.

To ensure the sustainability of this excellence Journey, our aim will be towards maintaining its key pillars, and at the forefront comes UBT’s ‘CLEAR and BOLD Vision’ to becoming the Leading Educational Institution in Empowering Work and World Ready Graduates/Citizens who contribute to the Growth and Prosperity of Societies and Nations. This Bold Vision will be achieved by ‘Providing innovative high-quality market aligned educational services’, which are provided by an elite group “National and International Faculty Members” who embrace ‘UBT Teaching and Learning Philosophy’ that is based on ‘Active and Experiential Learning’ as well as ‘Learner Centric’ pedagogies. To ensure retaining our talented faculty, we will reinforce the provision of continuous development opportunities and working in vibrant environment that will enable access and keeping pace of the digital age evolving technologies, which will contribute to facilitating the exchange and transfer of knowledge between learning facilitators, learners, and our industry partners.

To maintain excellent education services requires continuous updating of knowledge, and therefore, the university will continue ‘Supporting Research Activities in Various Forms’ including the engagement of learners in research and field projects that contribute to identifying the best and latest practices, enhancing practical knowledge, and sharing them in various national, regional, and international publishing channels.

In the next five years, we will ‘Reinforcing Agile Educational and Operational Environment and Effectively Empowering Competent Prominent Leaders and Building Work and World Ready Graduates’. The learner’s experience at UBT will not be limited to what occurs inside classrooms, but rather we will seek enhancing the Holistic Learner’s Experience that enables exploring learners’ latent abilities, which will be designed to incorporate extracurricular activities, that will contribute to our graduates to SPARK when joining the workforce.

As part of our commitment to ‘Deep engagement with the Wider Community”, UBT will continue actively acting as a catalyst for positive force for responsible change through leading initiatives that deepen our impact in all geographical areas close to our current and future campuses. Embracing a university without borders concept, UBT will continue embracing and supporting its social responsibility partnerships with various entities aiming to provide volunteer-based opportunities for all our members (Students, Faculty, Staff).

To ensure sustainable growth and positive impact, we are fully aware of the necessity to working on: (1) “Capitalizing and Optimizing our investments in UBT Supporting Human Capital and Services”, which requires providing continuous development opportunities, clear career paths, and succession planning that contribute to retaining talents. Not only that, but also it is necessary to work on (2) “Sustaining Diverse Resources” and enhancing UBT’s Operations Efficiencies that will be adopted by all University Sectors, Divisions, Groups and Individuals. in addition to the necessity to continuously working in accordance with (3) “Enhancing Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Continuous Development” as UBT Permanent Working Culture that is represented in its various sectors. Finally, working on (4) “Amplifying UBT Strategic Partnerships with Various Public and Private Institutions” that will create sustainable positive impact towards our nations’ prosperity and graduates (national and international) readiness.

These pillars collectively along with the combined efforts exerted by all, and through embracing a one team spirit, will contribute to be working together passionately towards a bright tomorrow.

Best Regards

Dr. Weam Tunsi

UBT President – Acting>

“Ensure sustainable growth and positive impact”

1.       Capitalizing and optimizing our investments in UBT Human Capital and Services,

2.       Sustaining Diverse Resources and Enhancing UBT’s Operations Efficiencies

3.       Enhancing Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Continuous Development

4.     Amplifying UBT Strategic Partnerships with Various Public and Private Institutions

Vice Presidents

حاتم خالد عقيل

Hatem Khaled Akeel

University Vice President, Academic Affairs

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فهد عبدالعزيز آل ضبعان

Fahad Abdulaziz Aldhaban

University Vice President, Digital Services

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رانيه أحمد  باعشيره

Rania Ahmed Baashirah

Assistant Vice President, Digital Services

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غاده عثمان  نصيف

Ghada Otham Nassif

University Vice President, Development and Quality

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